Kerry's Blog

Best of the Best: The Forgotten Generation: How to Market & Sell Homes to Gen X Buyers

February 16, 2017

Here we go… week #3 of “Best of the Best” from the 2017 International Builder Show.  

Let’s talk about your marketing!  Whether you’re looking for help with strategy, planning, content, or being creative with your marketing Group Two is the best ad agency out there for home builders!  Mollie Elkman and her team will guide you from start to finish on your projects.

Their program The Forgotten Generation: How to Market & Sell Homes to Gen X Buyers at the Builder Show was one of the highest attended seminars at the show.  Here is a re-cap of what people learned in the seminar: When it comes to marketing and selling new homes, you often hear about Baby Boomers and Millennials, but what about the generation in between? Though smaller in number, Generation X represents an eager, powerful buying group. But connecting with Gen Xers requires different approaches than the generations before and after them—their unique upbringings and the repercussions of the recession influenced how they approach their decisions. This high-energy session will time warp back to the ’80s to reveal the trends that shaped how Gen Xers buy houses today.

If you have needs for marketing or advertising Mollie Elkman and Group Two will go above and beyond to help you meet the needs of your project.


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