Kerry's Blog

A List You Need to Read…

October 1, 2019

“To-Do” List… “To-Don’t” List… or “Ta-da!” List

There are many kinds of lists we live by:

  1. Some are electronically maintained
  2. Some are in the written form
  3. Some are just plain in our heads everyday keeping us bogged down and feeling incomplete!

Checking off your “to-do” list is a satisfying way to celebrate another day checking off all the things you chose to complete.

Staying focused on your “to-don’t” list is a way to focus yourself on being able to complete those most important activities that will offer you the highest gains personally and professionally.

Imaging how good your will feel if you can say “Ta-da!” to the things that give you the greatest sense of accomplishment!

Some important TA-DA! Examples

  • I woke up and greeted the day with enthusiasm and enjoyment
  • I read something interesting today
  • I looked for a bright spot in something today
  • I changed something for the better
  • I thought about my future
  • I went out of my way to thank someone
  • I put something even if only a penny away for a rainy day
  • I found something to genuinely laugh about
  • I reached out to someone I had been thinking about for too long
  • I forgave someone (even if only myself)
  • I did something sacred; prayed, meditated, spent an alone moment
  • I stood up for someone or something
  • I did something crazy or fun
  • I wrote a thought down for future reference
  • I took a chance on something or someone
  • I counted my blessings
  • I told someone they were important
  • I organized something that was driving me crazy
  • I donated something, time or money to a cause I believe in
  • I ended up the day more “ta-da!” than “to-do” or “to-don’t”

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